State Department of Agriculture Program: Michigan
State Department of Agriculture of Michigan
MDARD is comprised of six divisions that use a customer-driven, solution-oriented approach to cultivate and expand new economic opportunities for the food and agricultural sector; safeguard the public’s food supply; inspect and enforce sound animal health practices; control and eradicate plant pests and diseases threatening the $101.2 billion food and agriculture system; preserve the environment by which the farming community makes their living and feeds consumers; and protect consumers by enforcing laws relating to weights and measures.
Other Related Programs
Michigan Made: The people behind are Michigan natives who have lived their entire lives in Michigan and raised their families here. Despite the current economic slump, we know that our state and the people in it have many awesome strengths that can help put us back on top. We invite other Michigan entrepreneurs to join us in our mutual quest to achieve real and lasting success.
Core Customers: Retail and Food Service
Michigan is home to a number of important customers who are ideal to look at for distribution. These include Randazzo’s, Plum Markets, Apple Valley Farms, Running Fit, ABC Appliance, Lover’s Lane, Dollar Castle, Max Ten, Powerhouse Gyms, Pro Golf, Busch’s Markets, D and W Food Centers, G and R Felpausch, VG’s Food Ventures, Westborn Markets, Health Food Distributors, Great North Foods, S Abraham and Sons, MC Sports, ACO Hardware, Central Michigan Lumber, Self Serve Lumber, Wolohan Lumber, Meijer’s, Amway, Family Bookstores, Jack’s Corner Stores, Harvest Health, GFS Marketplace, Little Professor, Dunham’s Clark Food Service, Gordon Food Service, Goodrich Theatres, Jack Loeks Theatres, MJR Theatres, Neighborhood Cinemas, Fairway Sales, I and K, Coffee Beanery, Big Boy Restaurants, Resorts Intl and others.