Where In The Store
Where in the Store Do Your Products Belong: The Co-Packing Network educates start-up and emerging brand clients about the best places and sections to be placed in a supermarket, mass merchant, limited assortment store, dollar and value store and military exchange and commissary.

Example Platforms for a Supermarket or Mass Merchant
Meat Departments (www.MeatDepartments.com)
In-Store Delis (www.InStoreDelis.com)
Produce Departments (www.ProduceDepartments.com
Liquor Departments (www.LiquorDepartments.com)
Floral Departments (www.FloralDepartments.com)
Bakery Departments (www.BakeryDepartments.com)
Deli and Dairy (www.DeliandDairy.com)
Center of the Store (www.CenteroftheStore.com)